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Inside Maidstone Magazine Launch

On Tuesday 3rd December the launch date finally arrived! Launching at stepping Stone Studios, Maidstone, Inside Maidstone Magazine arrived in style with guests receiving a warm welcome from Chegworth Valley juices serving them up warm spiced apple juice to chase away the cold of the evening. She Who Bakes had produced some wonderful cup cakes for guests to tuck into and Stepping Stone Studios provided cider and food for all. The night was photographed by Dave Johnson – take a look at the great images; the cakes really are as good as they look! If you like the photographs then get in touch with Dave by e-mail at [email protected] or on Twitter @davidj_photos.

The evening was a huge success with Stepping Stone Studios director Emma kicking off the speeches by welcoming everyone and handed over to Lucy Hall, Magazine publisher and promoter who introduced her magazine concept and said that all important thank you’s for the night. We then revealed a sneak preview into the magazine itself projected for all to see. Editor Liz White talked through our first issues content and showed the audience some of the unique features of the magazine and I’m pleased to say there seemed to be a buzz about Inside Maidstone!

The lead up to launching Inside Maidstone Magazine was a whirlwind. Lucy Hall took the opportunity to launch into a platform which complimented her company, Kent Social Media, and fill a niche in Maidstone that had been wanting for a while – a magazine dedicated to only Maidstone for the people of Maidstone and about the people of Maidstone.

There are a few differences between Inside Maidstone Magazine and the flood of other magazines covering the area that make Inside Maidstone really stand out. The main point of difference is that this is a community led magazine – we are interested in what makes Maidstone tick and realised it’s you – the people of Maidstone! The second important point of difference is that this is an e-magazine and comes with huge opportunities to convey messages to the reader in a new and inventive way. For example, you can embed video and use multiple images along side copy – this is something new for the market. So it was with great excitement and fun that Lucy and editor Liz White sat down to plan the first issue.

From start to finish, the first issue was completed within four weeks which was a tall task. It was decided that the magazine would always take a look behind the scenes of Maidstone and Liz compiled the mission statement to reflect this. It has been a short journey so far but has been action packed and fun – so come with us for the future ride! Next issue out beginning of February 2014.

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