New Mayor of Maidstone – Cllr Derek Mortimer
Newly elected Mayor of Maidstone, Councillor Derek Mortimer, has received his chain of office from outgoing Mayor, Cllr Fay Gooch. Elected at the Maidstone Borough Council’s AGM on Saturday 21st May, Maidstone’s new Mayor has lived in the area since 1978.
Commenting on becoming Mayor of Maidstone, Cllr Mortimer said: “It is an absolute honour to represent the Borough Council and residents in this historic Platinum Jubilee year of our Queen.
“I am looking forward to meeting as many people, organisations and charities as possible and promoting Maidstone at every opportunity.
“We have all been through a lot over recent years and face further challenges going forward. However, Maidstone as the County Town of Kent will bounce back as it has a lot to offer in terms of business opportunities, our beautiful parks, and numerous events throughout the year.”
As part of his role as Mayor, one of the duties will be to attend civic and ceremonial functions on behalf of the Council with preference being given to local organisations and to events within the borough, and Derek welcomes invitations from people across Maidstone. Anyone who would like to invite him to attend should apply on line: Maidstone Mayor

Cllr Mortimer moved to Maidstone in 1978 with his wife Sally, and has two sons, a daughter and six grandchildren. He formerly worked for British Telecom for 23 years from an apprentice through to a lecturer in telecommunications. Since then, he has been involved with several family businesses.
Derek became a member of Tovil Parish Council in 2007 and in 2010 became a Borough Councillor as he wished to broaden his horizons. He has served on many MBC Committees and was the Chair of the Communities Housing and Environment Committee for three years. One of his proudest moments as part of that Committee was supporting the Council’s homelessness policies through a prevention and intervention programme so no one is left on the streets for whatever reason. This is supported by the continuing provision of temporary accommodation and building our own properties to alleviate our country’s housing crisis.
Derek also introduced and promoted the first neighbourhood plan in the borough for the North Loose Resident’s Association which now gives the NLRA a formal voice on all planning applications in their patch. He is Trustee of the Hayle Park Nature Reserve which manages and owns 52-acres across the Loose Valley area since its inception in 2015, as well as a Trustee for twelve years with Maidstone YMCA at Loose and Tovil. One of his main passions is the creation and improvement of many play areas, footpaths, open spaces and nature reserves, which in turn support the health and well being of residents.