Local LifeMini Maidstone

Things to do in the Rain with a Toddler…

bootsSo it’s raining and grey! Perfect!  I’m happy because I get to try out my top things to do with my toddles when it’s raining.  Why don’t you join in?

1.  Camp indoors!

Make a space in the living room and build yourself a fantastical camp from everything and anything – bed quilt, cushions, dining rooms table chairs, blankets – or go that one step further and pitch your tent indoors.  Your little toddler will love it – hide their toys in the folds of the blankets, stash snacks under the chairs, have torches at the ready to create finger shadows after dark and have story time in the middle of the newly created camp.  Organised chaos which will get your toddler laughing and use up lots of their energy!

2. Puddle hopping!

This relies on your having waterproofs for your little one – and yourself – so get yourself all wrapped up and take yourself off to the nearest park.  On any public footpath you will find puddles galore and simply encourage your toddler to splash to their hearts content.  Yes it’s messy, yes you will have to do more washing when you get home but I guarantee the smiles from your child will be worth it – don’t forget the camera.

3. Snail Races!Slug

Rain always bring out the snails in your garden…upturn any plant pot and you will find a snail lurking, but in the rain they slither their way over concrete and earth at a comparatively greater speed.  Simply collect up a couple of snails and set them on their way towards a flower bed and you have your very own snail race! It’s not just snails that love the rain, big fat slugs, juicy worms and slithering slow worms are all happy in the rain so why not get your trowel out and do a little digging – I bet you stumble across a worm within an inch of the surface! Don’t be squeamish, teach your child about the wild.

4. Make your own Water Xylophone!

Simply collect the rain water in different shaped and sized glasses and then ‘play them’ with a piece of cutlery for your toddler.  You can mess around with different quantities of water and  top up from the tap.  Although easier to simply get the water from the tap it’s a much more interesting way to collect water for your little one.

5. Introduce a Classic film to your toddler

Snuggle up and watch ‘Singing in the Rain’. Having a 15 month old daughter myself I know this isn’t as cosy and relaxing as it sounds but the scene where Gene Kelly is jumping and slashing in the puddles and ‘singing in the rain’ is captivating for little ones.  I like to think they are thinking ‘an adult not caring about getting soaked in the rain? How refreshing!’ Somehow I doubt that is true but it definitely amuses them for the duration of the song! Have Finding Nemo at the ready for when your toddlers interest wains!

6. A Free Zoo?

Is it wrong to head to ‘Pet’s at Home’ to look at the animals for free? I don’t think so.  In the pouring rain it’s a God send! Your toddler will love to see the little animals and it’s educational at the same time, teach them how to look after a pet and get them used to animals so one day when they want their own pet they will understand better how to look after them.  Although this is free be warned – the cute little animals have a way of getting into your heart and you will be heading home with one of them!  Be resolute to the task!